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Preparation & Negotiation of Contracts & Policies

Calgary Employment Lawyers for Drafting and Negotiating Employment Contracts, Policies & Procedures

The employment contract is one of the most important documents that a business will draft. It sets out the terms of employment and the employer-employee relationship, including things like salary and bonus eligibility, work expectations, probation and termination provisions, confidentiality, and whether an employee may work in a competing field or position after leaving their current role.

Workplace policies, including policies on privacy, discrimination or harassment, should be considered equally important. Having policies formally drafted ensures clarity and consistency with respect to how company rules are applied and how employees and contractors are treated. Good policies can protect employers from risk, give employees and independent contractors certainty about company expectations, and help to build a positive and productive work environment. 

The Employment Team at HMC Lawyers represents both employers, as well as employees and independent contractors in all manner of workplace disputes, and we have learned from experience that careful review and consideration of contracts and policies can help clearly establish rights and obligations, and prevent future problems before they arise. 

Assisting Alberta Employers with Employment Contracts and Workplace Policies

A well-run workplace requires concrete guides and policies that govern health and safety, human rights, and employment standards; however, developing policies takes a great deal of time and specific expertise. 

At HMC Lawyers, our skilled Employment Team works with employers to draft, review or negotiate the terms of their employment contracts and workplace policies or procedures, including:

Through practical advice grounded in the day-to-day needs of employers, we ensure your exposure to unnecessary risk is minimized, and work closely with you to address issues as they arise. 

HMC Lawyers also offers employment and human resources advisory services to companies, providing proactive review of documents and policies to identify areas that need updating, and ensure operations comply with the latest employment law and best practices.

Reviewing Employment Contracts and Other Agreements on Behalf of Employees or Independent Contractors

At HMC Lawyers we understand that your job is your livelihood, and is critically important to you. We offer sound, sensible legal advice, so you can make informed decisions about your employment contracts and agreements. 

In some cases, employment contracts are drafted to benefit an employer in ways that are not appropriate, or might place an employee in a disadvantageous position in the future. Getting advice from a knowledgeable employment lawyer before signing anything can help you identify potential legal pitfalls, and negotiate a better agreement.

If you have been presented with a job offer, employment contract or non-competition agreement, you may have questions about its contents, and the legal implications of agreeing to the terms. Before you sign anything, it is prudent to first obtain advice from a knowledgeable and experienced employment lawyer. At HMC Lawyers, our Employment Team assists individuals with contract review and negotiation, and can help you ensure that you are getting a fair offer. In addition, if you are facing a dispute, we can help you understand your rights and negotiate on your behalf.

Calgary Litigation Boutique Offering Insightful and Cost-Effective Employment Law Advice

When it comes to employment contracts and workplace policies, the employment team at HMC Lawyers is an invaluable resource for employers and employees. We offer exceptional and responsive service to help our clients avoid exposure to unnecessary legal risk and potential disputes.

For advice regarding employment contracts and workplace policies, call 1-800-480-3534 or contact us online to make an appointment.


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